newyorktimes-logo Starting today, the New York Times is going to stream content from its website to 850 video screens in airport newsstands, coffee shops, and other public places in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, and Boston. 850 more screens, including some in other locations, will be added over coming months.

The basic presentation will show an article on the left side of the screen and pictures and video on the right, on a 14-minute cycle, with ads, and some of the content, tailored to the location. Viewers can use cellphones to download either the Times work they have seen or coupons from the businesses they are visiting.

TechCrunch notes that the cellphone website is

Interesting that even as people claim not to want to read off of screens, the Times is putting its content on even bigger ones. And you’re certainly not going to need to tunnel through a paywall to read them!

I am also reminded of something they had when I was in elementary school back in the ‘80s. A TV screen mounted up in the corner of the room was set to a news infographic channel, that displayed a continuous stream of news headlines, about six to eight lines at a time. I suppose you could call it the earliest form of “push technology.”

I wonder if those channels still exist in this day and age?


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