TeleRead‘s Web log has moved from Blogger to WordPress.

While you’re thinking of it, why not key in our new RSS feed?

Please note the feed is still in the break-in period and does not work with everything right now, so keep checking this Web log the old-fashioned way if you’re having problems.

Other information follows. Click on, yes, “Read the rest of this entry.”

–If you’re reading us through MyYahoo, Bloglines or similar services, you may need to plug in the new URL–via your “Add content” page in Yahoo’s case. No big deal. In fact, I may be able to tell Bloglines to make the change if it won’t do it automatically. But don’t take this for granted.

–Our regular blog Web address will remain

–The feed for TeleRead: E-Book News podcasts will continue to be at

–New text posts will start appearing immediately.

–Earlier TeleRead posts should continue to be reachable and linkable at their original Web addresses.

–Posts from David Faucheux, who does the Blind Chance blog and related podcasts, will continue through Blogger right now since he is using the related Audio Blogger.

The reborn TeleBlog will be more reliable and include features such as topic categories–so that, for example, you cans see all of our recent posts on e-books or copyright. Via TeleRead’s site-wide search engine, the old blog will remain searchable.

I’ll welcome, questions, suggestions, glitch reports or other feedback–especially on the appearance of the new blog, a work in progress. And if you’re a WordPress and CSS expert who can volunteer a little time, I’d like to hear from you. Meanwhile thanks again to Carthik for helping with the basics when I ran into trouble. As noted earlier, the problem was not with WordPress but rather with an unzip program that wouldn’t properly import a directory structure.


  1. Sorry I like the old look better It may be the font size but it seems the colors are too faded looking and not sharp enough. I have the same problem that I understand about 20% of the Male population have. I am partically color blind and some colors I just do not see. I can not tell you which ones because I only know when I take the color dot test and can not see the numbers on about half of the circles. Going to the link below I can only see numbers on 3 of the 6 tests. I see 25, 56, and I think 20.

  2. BRANKO: Thanks for the kind words. Careful. I have enough megalomania. I’d hesitated about comments because of the spam problem. But WordPress’s moderation feature should take care of that.

    ERIC: Hey, THAT is the fix I found on my own. Sorry your thoughts didn’t reach me earlier. Would that the spam filter had behaved itself so I wouldn’t have had to come dig around so much. Just rescued the moderation note from my discards box.

    ROY and MICHAEL: Just off the phone with Antone Roundy, a CSS whiz in Utah (

    I was going to redo the home page to match the blog (based on a WordPress template from a very talented artist who’s now a student in China). But I aim to please.

    The CSS guy and I are thinking about a link arrangement that would match the one now on the just-revised home page. Take a look, especially at the mouse-over deal. What do you think?

    As for the font size, how about something just a bit bigger than this? Or what would you think of the capability to expand sizes via options and cookies? Or how about a “Having trouble seeing this?” link which would lead to a Blind and Visually Impaired Edition–same as the old blog had? That’s been in my plans.

    Thanks again, everyone! Keep the feedback comin’. I’d like to have the tweaks done in the next few days, so now is the time to speak up.


  3. Congrats on the new digs! While my pretty-good eyes can read it okay, the font is much less crisp. Not sure if larger font or different font would help. There’s also an awful lot of red and orange. But you know me, I like new and shiny, regardless.

    the raccoon

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