From Good eReader comes another review of the B&N Simple Touch ereader.  This review includes an 8 minute video, as well.  They say:

The benefits include the entire touchscreen experience! Although in our side by side tests the Amazon Kindle was faster in page turns and other things it was also slow because of having to manually scroll to highlight words and access settings. The Nook 2 makes your everyday tasks more robust and efficient and you will save more time which means you will do more reading.

I think Barnes and Noble did the right thing with the implementation of the touchscreen and they needed it. Many of their competitors such as Kobo, Sony and Hanvon have all released Touchscreen readers and B&N needed to keep pace. They are presenting a very slick device that weighs next to nothing and is one of the best e-readers we have reviewed all year. The build quality is not as high on this device as the Kobo Touch, but fundamentally it is a superior e-reader.


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