
From our sister publication,Gadgetell:

It looks like the FCC has outed an updated version of the Barnes & Noble nook. But all in all it does not appear to be a major change, not yet anyway. So far the listing confirms that the device is a nook and is 3G capable. Its also labeled as BNRZ100-01, which is a change from the original. Or probably more accurately said, an addition from the original which was BNRZ100. Bottom line, it looks like this version of the nook will have a Sierra Wireless MC8201V 3G wireless card, which is touting support for the 850 and 1900 MHz bands. That said, there was also a confidentiality letter attached that requested photos (along with user manual) be held for 180 days. In other words, it looks like either a new or updated nook will be coming sooner than later.


  1. It looks like it’s just a cost-reduction (CR) for the 3G version of the NOOK. From what I can tell, the current NOOK 3G doesn’t use the 2100 MHz band, so they’re replacing the three-band MC8777V module for the less-expensive two-band MC8201V module. There’s supposedly a different Wi-Fi module, too.

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