Received the following email from Aymeric Auberger about Europa-Apps.  From the website (which is in both English and French):

Europa-Apps is a publishing house dedicated to all the new digital platforms, in particular iPad and Smartphones. We want to design and produce new works, and invent more interactive, richer – and perhaps more enriching – reading moments, enabling people of all ages to discover new territories, to read, to enjoy themselves, to learn and to play, and above all to think and to dream!

In an email Aymeric tells me that their first app is My Kid and Me and it is meant for children between 2 and five years old:

For the first apps of this fun and educative collection, we were lucky to work with Soledad Bravi, a famous author and illustrator. Thousands of children and parents have already chosen her best-selling titles as their favorites (www.soledadbravi.com).

Check out the menu:

– Three previously unpublished stories merged into The Stories of rabbit, as well as The Games of rabbit, a number of games based on the characters and the atmosphere of the digital book.

– In association with l’école des loisirs, we have created a free adaptation of the noisy book: four original games that will be released under the name … the noisy book Games.


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