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Got the following email from FLOSS Manuals:

This is the fourth FM Newsletter. It has again been an extremely busy
few weeks. It must be something to do with the Northern Spring time. New
FM manuals are being born every few days it seems…

1. New manual on Basic Internet Security
2. New Chromium manual
3. New Newscoop Templating manual
4. FM presenting at LGM, Montreal (May 10-13)
5. New Booki Development underway
6. FM at Federated Web meeting in Berlin (June 3-5)
7. Book Sprint rants

New manual on Basic Internet Security
Want to know the basics of staying safe online? Want to know best
practices for securing your browser, email, personal data, and mobile
phone communications? Well sent a core group of 5 people
from Amsterdam to Berlin to write a book on just this. We spent 4 days
writing (in a Book Sprint) and finished the book on 1800 on Sunday (May
1). Its published to FM and it is also being printed as we speak and
will be given away for free at International Press Freedom day at a
Press Now hosted event in Amsterdam.

Its a *great* book. A must read to make sure you understand the risks
and know what you can do to stay safe. It has technical detail but not
written ‘for the technician’. It largely focuses on the use of FF and
Thunderbird and techniques for Windows, OSX, and Linux users. It also
explains PGP for those dumies (like me) who often confused on the
subject…really – a must read…really…

Available now online as HTML, and for downloading for free as EPUB and PDF:
Read it:

Improve it:

(Thanks to Buro 2.0 – – for hosting the sprint
at their very nice Berlin space).

New Chromium manual
What exactly is Chromium? How does t relate to Chrome? All these
questions and more answered in the great new manual on Chromium –  the
free software ‘version’ of Chrome. It covers all the basics and
illustrate just what a nice browser Chromium is to use. The manual is
mainly written by just two people – Scott Nesbitt and Edward Cheung. You
are welcome to join them and make the manual even better!

Read it:

Improve it:

New Newscoop Templating manual
Two weeks ago there was a Book Sprint just outside of Berlin (where we
hope to have the forthcoming FM unconf). Sourcefabric brought 6 of their
best and brightest and we wrote a book about the Newscoop templating
system. Newscoop is a CMS for journalists and has a very powerful and
now nicely documented templating system.

Read it:

But it:

Improve it:

FM presenting at LGM, Montreal
Elisa de Castro Guerra and Cedric Gemy will give a presentation at the
Libre Graphics Meeting in Monteral (Canada) next week May 10-13). Adam
Hyde may also be present depending on the (yet to be finalized) time of
the presentation.

New Booki Development underway
We are launching a new development path for Booki. Booki is the free
software platform FLOSS Manuals has developed for online book
production. The development includes the translation workflow,
administration tools, a microblogging system and more. Aleksandar
Erkalovic (lead Booki dev) is in Berlin this week working with FM head
honcho Adam Hyde (me) to outline the development and start work. A new
Diff (change highlighting for seeing modifications in texts) will be
online soon and much much more to cone…Stay tuned for more details.

FM at Federated Web meeting in Berlin
FM to join the W3C federated Web Conference in Berlin (June 3-5). We are
interested in the issue and buildong very nice federated web features
into Booki. Come along and meet if you are in town…

Book Sprint rants
Want to know what a Book Sprint is? Check out the Booki Blog for some
recent rants about the topic.

All inquiries to :
Adam Hyde
+49 01774935122


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