question.jpegI’d like to start a new feature here. A few times a week I would like to publish a Does anybody know? article. It will be a question that is ebook related and that needs an answer. It can be personal or aimed at the community at large. Our readers can then answer the question in the comments section.

Feel free to send me your question, as I can’t do it all by myself. I’m sure there are a lot of them out there. Your question can be esoteric or plain and simple. Newbies welcome!!!

I will start it off with this question, which is something I really want to know:

Does anybody know of an ebook edition of Gibbon’s Decline and Fall that isn’t so cluttered with footnotes that it makes ereading very difficult and annoying? I can’t seem to find something that is convenient to read.


  1. The Modern Library ebook edition (3 separate volumes, purchased from a while back, and one of these days, I gotta get around to reading that sucker…) has the footnotes separate from the text and viewable by following links.

    Don’t know about free editions, though.



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