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From Quill & Quire:

With e-books opening up more opportunities for authors looking to self-publish, a newly revived Toronto firm hopes to offer some of the convenience of self-publishing while maintaining the quality associated with traditionally published books.

The brainchild of Editors’ Association of Canada president Greg Ioannou (who also runs the editing and copywriting company Colborne Communications), Iguana Books charges authors fees for design and editorial work in advance of publication. However, Ioannou says the start-up, which focuses on e-books, is more selective than many online self-publishing platforms.

“When you go shopping for e-books, there’s an awful lot of self-published stuff out there that’s just terrible,” Ioannou says. “We’re not going to put our name on [a book] unless it’s been professionally edited [and] professionally designed, [and] is the sort of thing one of the major publishers would put out.

You can find Iguana Books here.


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