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I’m a big Churchill fan and collector.  I have all his books and an entire library of biographies, histories, his speeches on tape, etc – but nothing like this.  

From the description on Amazon:

One of the most iconic and endlessly fascinating figures of the 20th century, Winston Churchill has been the subject of any number of books, but none of them have analyzed his lifestyle as a way to really understand the man. This book features a vivid and entertaining timeline of his public history, but also focuses on the more personal, nonwork aspects of his day-to-day life, covering topics such as autos, books, cigars, dining, fashion, home, libations, and pastimes. Churchill lived an extravagant life, but in reality did not have much money. His ability to live well beyond his means is a lesson that will intrigue many.

It’s available in Kindle format for $11.99 and in hardcover for $14.97.  In this case the hardcover wins for me.  I can’t put an ebook up on the shelf along with my other Churchill stuff!  It arrives here next week and I’m quite excited.  It’s something completely different.


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