“The Democrats in the Senate tend to be more pro-business than the Democrats in the House… With respect to the entertainment industry, I don’t think these things have been particularly partisan.” – Chairman and CEO Hilary Rosen of the Recording Industry Association of America, on CNBC tonight, when asked how the elections would affect the copyright and trademark scene.

The TeleRead take: True, true, true, or at least that last sentence of hers. Indeed the Democrats are among the worst offenders. Bill Clinton did some wonderful things to get America online but appointed a copyright lobbyist to mold his copyright policy for the Net–encouraged by all the millions that Rosen and other fatcats raised. Consider, too, Democratic Senator Ernest “Fritz” Hollings of South Carolina, the man whose slogan in effect is “Hollywood Inside.” In fact, in some ways, the recent Republican triumph may even mean improvements.

Months before the elections, smart conservatives were rejoicing how the Democrats had alienated young Net-oriented consumers. The stupidity and greed of the Democrats, in regard to Net issues, would hardly be the only explanation for the Dems’ defeat. But they nicely illustrate the warped priorities of the party as it exists today. I myself am a lifelong Democrat, by the way. It’s just that, quite objectively, I find the behavior of my well-bought party on many Net-related matters to be loathsome. Here’s a wonderful URL.

TeleRead itself is nonpartisan and, in fact, has drawn support across the ideological spectrum.


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