Two and a Half Thoughts About Amazon’s Matchbook Program (Futurebook)Amazon
Amazon’s announcement on Tuesday of its new Matchbook offer, allowing customers to buy discounted digital versions of print books they’d previously bought from the retailer, is far from the first attempt to bring bundling to publishing.
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The Rise of Hybrid Authors Who Have Self-Published and Had Publishers (Media Shift)
The rise of self-publishing as a viable economic model for authors has started to disrupt the book publishing business — and nobody has benefited more than so-called “hybrid authors.” Allow me to explain.
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Jeff Bezos Likes Print and Thinks Readers Will Pay for a Bundle of News, but is He Wrong? (GigaOM)
In his first meeting with the paper he just acquired, Jeff Bezos said he prefers print and believes readers will pay for a daily bundle of news. But is he misunderstanding how the news business has changed?
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Two Indies Topple Cuckoo on iBooks (Indie Reader)
The presence of two self-pubbed titles at the top of the list is even more noteworthy for the book ousted from #1: J.K. Rowling’s “Cuckoo’s Calling”.
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Kindle Daily Deals: “The Walk” by Lee Goldberg (and 3 others)


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