ios 8Which Subscription Service is Best for Self-Published Authors: Kindle Unlimited, Scribd or Oyster? (Media Shift)
Is Kindle Unlimited the best, or should self-publishers join the Scribd or Oyster programs instead? How do you get in? Read on for a comparison of these top three reader subscription programs and best recommendations for self-publishers who are looking to add these channels to their revenue streams.

Looking Forward to iOS 8: Highlights (GoodeReader)
As a developer, I have had the chance to test drive the beta version of iOS 8 since early June… for the rest of you still waiting to give it a try, here are a few of the things you can most look forward to:

Authors are Being Hoodwinked (Hugh Howey)
Publishers are currently making record profits on the rise of e-books, and authors and readers are the ones paying the price. In fact, many authors—and the guild that’s supposed to fight for them—are actively defending these publishing houses that are doing well while causing harm.

Hachette CEO Responds to Avalanche of Amazon Advocate Emails (The Digital Reader)
Hachette isn’t flinching from the inundation of emails Amazon triggered with their plea to KDP authors and publishers early Saturday morning. In fact, they’ve already started responding to emails sent by Amazon supporters with a form letter of their own.

Kindle Daily Deal: Books by Johnny Shaw (and others)


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