How Do You Make Money When Everything is Going Free? (Futurebook)money
Stop worrying about the price of books, or music, or art, going to zero. It’s happening. It’s happened. There is no going back.
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Will Copyright Be Extended 25 Years? An Old Debate Returns (GigaOM)
In 1998, Congress agreed to grant another 20 years of copyright protection to every film, book and song in the land. Now, the laws are under review once again — and legal scholars are starting a pool on whether there another extension will take place.
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Barnes & Noble Claims They Will Continue to Make Tablets and eReaders (Good e-Reader)
A few months ago Barnes and Noble shocked the world when they said they were getting out of the device manufacturing business and splitting the company into two different segments. Today, the company totally reversed themselves, saying  “If we want to be in the content business, we need to be in the device business.”
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Amidst Privacy Concerns, Award-Winning Technology Law Site Groklaw to Cease Publishing (Forbes)
Today, Groklaw’s editor Pamela Jones announced that the site would cease publishing.  The decision came amidst privacy concerns regarding the government’s ability to read emails to and from Groklaw
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Kindle Daily Deals: “The Secret Rescue” by Cate Lineberry (and) “The Still” by David Feintuch (and 2 others)


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