laptopsAre Laptop Requirements a Forgone Conclusion or a Burden on Students? (Media Shift)
One 2014 survey found 90 percent of students own laptops and 86 percent own smartphones, while less than half of those surveyed own tablets.

The Internet Doesn’t Make You Smarter; You Only Think it Does (Ars Technica)
After using search engines, people overestimate their ability to explain ideas.

Writer’s Events Can Strengthen Your Craft, Build Your Career (GoodeReader)
Authors who are interested in establishing themselves as both better writers and as serious career-minded artists can benefit greatly from attending writers’ conferences and workshops, but the cost of attending is often pretty prohibitive.

Colouring Books for Adults Top Amazon Bestseller List The Guardian)
Surge in popularity of genre attributed to ‘anti-stress’ benefits and nostalgia.

Kindle Daily Deal: The Girl in the Woods (and others)


  1. Re.: Are Laptop Requirements a Forgone Conclusion, in the J-school case (the focus of this piece) this is probably a minimum requirement. Journalists will need an iPhone (or equivalent), an iPad (or equivalent) AND an iBook (or equivalent). An important outcome for ownership as opposed to checking out a loaner with all the right software installed and updated, is learning how to keep up with the rapid pace of technological change. This will make the difference between getting the story straight or not getting it straight because full attention can be directed towards the story.

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