KoboHow Far Companies Will Go to Protect You from Copyright Bullies (Gizmodo)
When somebody wants to silence speech, they often use the quickest method available. When the speech is hosted on a major online platform, that method is usually a copyright or trademark complaint.

Kobo Resolves Download Issue (The Digital Reader)
It’s been just over a month since Kobo’s perennial problem with blocking downloads of purchased ebooks came to a head, and it looks like that problem has been resolved.

Amazon Kindle Voyage Review (GoodeReader)
Amazon has been making e-readers since 2007 and over the years they have refined their hardware technology constantly. The new Kindle Voyage might very well be the best e-reader currently on the market, due to the innovative new tech and expansive eBook ecosystem.

In Defense of Comic Book Movies (Book Riot)
All right, I admit that the title is a little ridiculous. I mean, from what or whom am I supposed to be defending comic book movies?

Kindle Daily Deal: The Beautiful & the Damned (and others)


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