Can the Mobipocket version for the iLiad be made to run on “just about any Java-capable platform”? An adventurous soul named Steve Audette says yes and shares the specifics.

So, fellow owners, would this apply to our N770s and N800s? And are any volunteers interested in testing the concept on Nokias and sharing the results with us in detail?

The Audette solution doesn’t look like the easiest, but for those of us eager to read best-sellers and other DRM-infested books, it looks as if it might worth exploring—while not abandoning our hope that Mobipocket itself can oblige.

Significantly, the hack does not take away the “protection.” Here in the States, alas, it’s illegal to strip away DRM even when you’ve bought a book and do not intend to pirate it. Don’t you love Washington?

(Via MobileRead.)


  1. Alan re Java for Nokias: I hope you’ll keep us up to date on the Java issue. What do you think the ETA is? The good news is that things in place, perhaps a bunch of new apps can materialize. Why is Nokia behind on this? Of course I notice that the above linked item says, “We’re nowhere near that happening, if it’s even possible.” What’s the degree of possibility here, as you see it? Thanks. David

  2. Nokia is “behind” because they consciously chose not to port a JVM. Java is a memory and processing pig, generally speaking, and the N770 was already driving the chip as far as it could go. Also, the GUI classes would need to be ported over to hildon, which isn’t a trivial task.

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