Michael GormanDorothea Salo has done two anti-Gorman posts–Why I’ll Quit ALA and Your Own Size. I think she’s right in criticizing Gorman for putting down hip-hip culture as simplistic.

There are racist implications here–far, far more serious than Gorman’s hatred of blogs and e-books. Of course, things can tie in with each other. E-books, for example, are one way to spread around neglected writings of minorities. Imagine all the possibilities if copyright law can be changed so libraries can better deal with orphaned works. More minority librarians would help as well–not to mention more disabled ones, too.

Note: I’m not telling librarians, “Everyone should leave ALA” (and Dorothea isn’t, either). Nor am I accusing Gorman of deliberately being a racist. But the effect is the same.

Also in need of Sensitivity Training 101: Now a defender of the bizarre Mao graphics for the Minneapolis Public Library is coming up with this excuse, among others: “All humans are flawed and…we can still admire these men for their positive qualities.” But then elsewhere he’s saying that the ad campaign is not an endorsement of Mao. Whatever. Here’s the latest news on the admirable chairman.


  1. Thank you for keeping up on this Mr. Teleread.

    As for Mr. Hergert’s article “Let icons be icons, and let the library win our support” in the June 4 Star Tribune:

    I’m sorry but any leader who knowingly or otherwise brings his people to the point of cannibalizing their children [read Hungry Ghosts : Mao’s Secret Famine by Jasper Becker] is NOT someone we can “still admire…for their positive qualities and outstanding achievements” [see Hergert’s article]. And no, Professor, a negative opinion about the Mao ad in no way implies a failure to support the ad campaign as a whole or the new Minneapolis Public Library.

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