DSCF0048.JPGAngela Bole, Book Industry Study Group; Kelly Gallagher, Bowker.

First presentation of data from a major industry survey ofebook consumers. 95% confidence level

Demographics: male 51%, female 49%; income over 75K 37%, 35K to 75K, 38%, under 35K, 25%; 23% RURAL, 24% URBAN, 43% suburban

Whey e instead of P?: in order 1. affordability, 2. easy to download, 3. readability, 4. instant access, 5. portability

34% decreased their purchase of hardcover books

What extras would you pay for: in order 1. connect with other readers, 2. color photos graphics, 3. give/lend 4. wireless access

19% now purchase ebooks exclusively and 25% now purchase mostly ebooks

When asked about the major benefits of ebooks three of the major benefits relate solely to price.

Would you wait to buy an ebook after print book comes out? 30% will wait, 24% will buy the print book, 34% not sure

Effect of DRM on ebook purchases: 38% don’t know, 34% not an issue, 28% concerned

Most popular devices: 47% computer/laptop, 32% Kindle, 11% iPhone


  1. I’d be interested in knowing who the consumers were surveyed. Not their names, but were they in regards to just fiction or students or all over the board. With eBooks in Academia and on Amazon and B&N, it’d be nice to have that broken out. DRM for one plays a different role in Academia then it does in the consumer market.


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