Here, from The Mac Night Owl. So how will the kids fare educationally with the laptops substituted for textbooks? That’s the real test. Still, just getting equipment to work smoothly can be a real triumph in the K-12 enviroment, where tech failures so often can steal time from learning. (Via Mike Cane.) Related: Felony charges against Pennsylvania high school students who bypassed Net filters (comment).


  1. Did you see the news about the Kutztown PA experiment with laptops?

    While they weren’t intended to replace textbooks in that instance, they were set up as a mandatory part of classes, so every kid got one. They were configured to use a school proxy server for Internet access so that porn and other inappropriate materials would be filtered out; and knowing kids, the configuration was locked down so the kids couldn’t bypass these restrictions. Supposedly.

    Unfortunately the administrative password used was actually the address of the school and was in fact TAPED TO THE BACK OF THE MACHINE, so kids figured it out and bypassed it. Those kids were subject to disciplinary action for not following the rules, and when they persisted in their Evil Machinations, criminal charges were brought.

    The kids’ website:
    Google on “Kutztown 13” for lots of blogs and news about them.

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