Edited news release…

image Wattpad, the popular e-book community, has partnered with Lulu, a leader in open publishing, to provide Wattpad writers with a Wattpad branded marketplace on Lulu.com to print, sell and promote their works. 

 “This year the number of titles published on Wattpad will exceed that of traditional publishing as a whole,” said Allen Lau, CEO of Wattpad.  “This partnership will bring the authors of these 300,000 titles an opportunity to monetize their work.” 

image “The Wattpad Marketplace on Lulu.com” expands Wattpad’s offerings. It also helps Wattpad authors overcome typical sales and marketing challenges and reach a wider audience. The marketplace is powered by Lulu, which has deep expertise in technology and the online market, and provided through Lulu’s Publishing Partner Program. 

"Helping authors succeed is what Lulu is all about," said Krishna Motukuri, Senior Vice President of Business Development at Lulu. "We are excited to have partners like Wattpad that share the mission." 

“The Wattpad Marketplace on Lulu.com” is now available.


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