image How to get the lowdown on a rival company going after your markets—or collect other forms of competitive intelligence? Legal research tips, anyone? Where can you find links to court rules, forms and dockets at federal and state levels? And what’s the latest in legal technology?

Those are among the goodies that some 140,000 visitors a month can enjoy for free from the LLRX site, run by Sabrina Pacifici, a special librarian with three decades of library experience. She also runs relevant commentary, and you may occasionally see posts from me pop up there in the future.

image Via her personal beSpacific blog on law and technology, Sabrina herself  keeps readers up to date on the latest U.S. government reports and other actionable information. Topics range from oil prices to the war in Afghanistan to biometric palm-reading systems for medical libraries.

Already spotlighted by Library Journal, Sabrina, who lives in the D.C. area, has just won the Technology Innovations Award for 2008, from the Special Libraries Association. A video imageis here. Barbara P. Semonche, founding administrator of the NewsLib list for news librarians and researchers, one of Sabrina’s haunts, has praised LLRX for "comprehensive, accurate, focused, reliable resources, updates and guides on a wide range of complex and research related issues. All data is tagged and fully searchable." Congratulations, Sabrina, on some long overdue recognition for your hard work—all in your spare time, outside your law firm duties!

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