Napster logoNapster is Windows-centric–complicating life for owners of linux and Mac boxes. But Digital-Lifestyles says some DRM-crackers intend to take care of that. Yo, Microsoft! If you want to do Microsoft Reader, shouldn’t you look beyond Windows? You’re offering a Mac verson of Office, so why not? Already the convert lit program has made a laughingstock out of Reader’s “protection” system. Of course, the best strategy for you or any other software company would be to go on to do new cross-platform software working with the OpenReader format. Along the way your new Reader could even render .lit files as well–making for a smooth transition. (D-L item via Pocket PC eBooks.)

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David Rothman is the founder and publisher of the TeleRead e-book site and cofounder of He is also author of The Solomon Scandals novel and six tech-related books on topics ranging from the Internet to laptops. Passionate on digital divide issues, he is now pushing for the creation of a national digital library endowment.


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