30_logo_cea_r.gifI will be leaving for CES in Las Vegas this weekend, primarily to cover stuff for GPSPassion and PalmAddict, but I want to cover ebook things as well. So far, looking through the CES event planner, I can find little, if anything to do with our passion. If anyone has any ideas on what they would like to see covered post a comment. I can’t promise anything, the show is so big and I have so much to do, but I will do my best. (It’s nice to have a friend who has a condo out there. No way would I pay the $350, and up, per night that the hotels get you for during this event!)


  1. Have a great time, Paul.

    I’d like to hear what the iPod/Zune/Zen people have to say about eBooks. The more I think about this, the more I believe that the solution to the DRM tower of babble is to have strong competition from the multifunction devices. If Apple/Microsoft/whomever settled on a standards-based scheme (or even supported HTML or ePub formats without encryption) I think this would push everyone else to respond.

    Rob Preece
    Publisher, http://www.BooksForABuck.com

  2. Ah! EVEREX! You must visit them. They will be introducing the Cloudbook, an EeePC competitor, same price but with a ** 30GB ** HD. And it should be available later this month. Plus, it might have this:


    Check out the hardware, especially the keyboard, and see if ebooks fit into this at all.

    As usual, if you are caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions…

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