dcubiasEarlier today I noted the U.S. publishing industry’s disgraceful lack of diversity—this among a slew of other idiocies. Now, check out a trilogy of smart posts from Daniel Cubias, a Hispanic writer of fiction and nonfiction, blogging in HuffPo.

Are e-Books a good idea for Latino authors?

Why aren’t more Latino authors being published?

Are small presses the best choice for Latino writers?

From the e-book-focused post, which mentions Amazon’s Hispanic-oriented marketing:

But will Americans be buying? Well, as we all know, the Hispanic population in America is increasing. And bilingualism, once an exotic and politically suspicious activity, is on the rise as well. Thus, it stands to reason that the audience for Spanish-language books is also getting larger. Furthermore, Latinos are more likely to use mobile electronic devices than the general population. Because Hispanics are so plugged in, it’s pretty easy to imagine Latino readers devouring e-books on their Kindles, Nooks, and laptops.

Yes, yes, yes!

Related: Daniel Cubias’s Web site, including his personal blog (and another blog as well). He is author of a a new novel, Barrio Imbroglio, about an accidental detective and “full of violence, vulgarity, and stray jokes about Immanuel Kant.” Also see LibraryCity’s discussion of cell phone book clubs—a concept developed with help from a Hispanic K-12 teacher.


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