kobotouchWhen I first pointed out that Amazon was moving the price goal posts of its e-readers by referring to the with-ads price as the default rather than the ad-free price, I wondered whether other e-book sellers would be able to follow suit. Now it seems that one has.

Kobo will knock $40 off the price of its $139.99 Kobo Touch e-reader for readers who are willing to put up with advertising elements “in discreet places outside of the reading experience,” such as the sleep or power-off mode screen. According to the listing on Kobo’s website, the $99.99 ad-supported reader will start shipping in “2-3 weeks.” It will only be available within the United States, at least so far, and only in black case color.

In general, this seems like a very smart move for Kobo, and means that the company can compete on exactly the same pricing ground as Amazon. The $99.99 price compares favorably to Amazon’s $99 Touch WiFi Kindle (with Special Offers), so the Kindle doesn’t get to look cheaper by comparison anymore. (Well, maybe 99 cents cheaper.) And given that Amazon has seen its ad-supported Kindles become its best-selling Kindles ever, perhaps this will give Kobo a little more success to build on as well.

Now I just wonder, will Barnes & Noble be able to create a similar program?

(Found via Engadget.)


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