image.axd.jpegFrom the Digital Library Blog:

Our Support Team filled me in on the preliminary testing results for the Kobo eReader and it appears to be good news. The Kobo eReader, available in Canada and the United States, is compatible with Adobe EPUB and PDF eBooks downloaded from the library. Our Support Team will be completing their full round of testing soon, and once they’re done, I’ll snatch it away from them and post a full review of the device.

Although the Kobo eReader is compatible with the service, there are a couple things you need to be aware of before running to the nearest Borders store, for US residents, or Chapters, for Canadian residents:

• If you attempt to open an expired EPUB eBook, you receive a message indicating that the file cannot be opened.
• If you attempt to open an expired PDF eBook, the PDF will close without any messaging.

Thanks to Resource Shelf for the heads up.


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