
From The Bookseller:

Asda will begin selling the Kobo wireless e-reader for £67 this Friday (9th December).

The chain is the first supermarket store to sell the Canadian-based retailer’s product, which it is retailing at a discount of £20 off the r.r.p. The supermarket will also sell the Touchscreen Kobo for £107.

In October, W H Smith was the first UK retailer to secure a deal to sell Kobo e-readers, but unlike Asda, W H Smith also sells Kobo’s e-books through its website, receiving a cut of every book sold. …

The supermarket said the Kobo was “rapidly becoming a serious contender to the Amazon Kindle”—a product which is sold by rival supermarket Tesco.

The article goes on to say that Kobo has hinted that another retailer will be joining the crew.


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