Kobo_Logo.pngFrom the Kobo blog. I just downloaded it to my new Samsung Captivate phone and will let you know how it works out.

Further, we know that being able to read any eBook is important, and we’ve listened to your request.
So what’s new?

The ability to search, add and read Internet Archive ePubs – that’s over 1.9 million eBooks!
You can now read ebooks in the ePub format, no matter where they are purchased from
All of the great reading features available for books from our catalogue are available on books added to the library
We’ve made sideloading books easier and more customer friendly
In addition to the new features of the Android app, you can also browse Kobo’s extensive catalogue of eBooks, search for your favourite authors and titles, enjoy an unparalleled reading experience and best of all take your library on the go with you. What more could you ask for then a library in your very own pocket.


  1. My wife has a Kobo eBook “pandigital novel” bought at Costco. She set it down to make a coffee, came back to an alert “SORRY the application koboeBooks process com.android.kobo has stopped unexpectedly. please try again” leaving “forced close” as the only option. When opening any application, ie. google, the same applies. Can you tell me where to find a fix or what I can do to fix it please?

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