Screen shot 2010-02-18 at 8.26.07 AM.pngGreat news for Blackberry owners. According to this Amazon news release the Kindle ereading software is now available on the Blackberry platform. It has the same Whispersync technology that is used in the Kindle and iPhone and so can keep your ebook in sync between your Kindle and your Blackberry device. Interestingly, the website lists the software as beta.

It can be downloaded here, and supports the Bold 9000, Bold 9700, Curve 8520, Curve 8900, Storm 9530, Storm 9550 and Tour 9630. You can download a link to install the program from the link above, or you can type into your Blackberry browser.


  1. Only available in the US. I downloaded it and it works fine. No problem with the screen. I use a Storm and have the full screen which I am used to. Had a Palm TX previously which has the same size screen and will never buy a dedicated reader since they won’t fit in a pocket. Font size is also adjustable.

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