rysa walkerAmazon released its latest Kindle First on Dec. 1. It includes four books that have their official release date one month from now. One of these books caught my eye, [easyazon-link asin=”B00CQC9O16″ locale=”us”]Timebound[/easyazon-link] by Rysa Walker. As I read the description, I was a little confused how this is a “first.” The book was previously self-published and had been on the market under the title “Time’s Twisted Arrow” for about a year.

Walker won the 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award in June for this book. It seems after some edits, a new cover and a title, Amazon is releasing the book again and billing it as a “first.”

To Amazon’s credit, it does say in the description that the book was previously named and a comment from the acquiring editor Courtney Miller writes: “We’re delighted to have discovered it through the contest and to be presenting it to you today.”

The Kindle First promotion has obviously done well for Walker because on the first day of the release, the book actually jumped to the top spot on top paid Kindle Books. In fact, three of the four books of the current Kindle Firsts were in the top 10 the last time I looked at the list.

It’s clear why authors want to be involved in the Kindle First program. It’s the best marketing you could probably get with Amazon delivering special attention to these books.

Of course, Amazon will want to promote the winner of its contest. However, part of me finds calling this book a “first” a bit disingenuous because it was previously released.

Having said all that, I am probably going to pick up the book because I do find the premise interesting and would love it. I also read Walker had given out the book for free a while back to spur interest – I bet this is doing a lot better than that promotion.


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