Screen shot 2009-11-05 at 8.58.43 AM.pngThe application has been released and can be downloaded from the Android Market, according to Amazon’s press release.

You can find out more about it here.


  1. That’s right. Nook is Android powered so naturally, this might lend itself to being ported on there as well.

    From the reviews I’ve seen, the Android version is missing a few features, most glaringly the audio/video is missing. Just comes as odd seeing as how they released a new iPhone/iPad Kindle yesterady and that’s all everyone could talk about.

    Android users might not be too happy with that. Nobody enjoys being treated like a second class citizen. Keeping it short. More of my thoughts at my blog post about this:

  2. The application force closes on me whenever I try putting non-amazon files in the Kindle folder. I’d be content with the app except for that major failing. I hope it’s fixed soon. I mostly just want an app I can sync with my Kindle or use the location number to jump to where I am. Aldiko is a good reader but the drawback is that I’m using a different format (so I have to have all my ebooks in two different formats) and I have to search for text to find my current location rather than using the Kindle location number, which is obviously much easier. I’ll be happy when there’s a fully functional Kindle app that will read all prc and mobi files.

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