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Interesting experiments by Keith Peters at BIT-101 using his new “toy” – a USB microscope – the Veho VMS004 DELUXE USB Powered Microscope, which can capture information at 26x and 400x, so he used this to take a closer look at screen fonts and background for the Kindle 2 and the iPad.

Above are text results at 26x. On his page, he also shows us what he saw at 400x for both and then does the same for a newspaper, a magazine, and a book. The structure of a font segment on a newspaper at 400x is very close to what you see on the Kindle.

As he says, this is not a scientific experiment – he was just curious to see what it would show. Go take a look – what he gets is pretty amazing.

Via A Kindle World Blog

Editor’s Note: This article inspired me to dig out my old IntelPlay microscope that I got years ago. Unfortunately it’s for Windows, but I found some Mac software for it. miXscope is available for the Mac platform here and it’s $17.95 for a household license. They also have a version, with fewer features, for the QXScope series at $11.95. When I get my Kindle 3 I’ll post come comparison shots with my current Kindle 2.


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