You apparently can buy a Jinke V8 eBook Reader on eBay for $290 if you live in the U.S. or Canada. But be careful–shipping is $80. What’s more, the seller has no eBay rating. (Via MobileRead.)

Update, 2:46 a.m. EST: The listing for now seems to have been removed, maybe in part because of this sentence: “Will usually ship within 20 business days of receiving cleared payment.”



  1. I guess it was some kind of hoax…
    But there is a chance that V8 devices could soon start appearing in Europe and the US. I’m still waiting for the V2 samples to start appearing (maybe I’ll be lucky enough to get one…) but if that doesn’t work I’ll probably get a “modified” V8 that sports the latest russian-english firmware and is maybe even going to get ported to other languages like german, something that might be interesting for people who don’t prefer reading in english to reading in their native language…unlike me…^^

  2. Some new information concerning eink devices in general:
    Apparently the “ghosting” that was present in first gen librié devices is still present to a certain extent in the new e-ink readers.

    The Iliad shows moderate ghost images, the Hanlin V8 seems to be badly affected.

    Want proof?

    Then check out this:

    Have fun trying to read the “shadow” text in the background…^^

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