Haali readerDo any security experts—ideally more than one—care to check out Haali Reader 2.0 and let us know if the fears are justified? Related: Download.com readers’ reviews. Update, 1:57: A search of past TeleBlog items tells me that Haali has some fans. So is it definitely safe from a reputable site like Download.com?


  1. I’m using Haali Reader on my Pocket PCs for 5 years now (previous versions, of course) and so far no spying has been detected.
    Actually it’s the best text file reader I saw, because it supports code pages for other languages and Unicode files. Good Russian dictionaries and encyclopedias also is a plus.
    Only I’m afraid that for you guys, preferring DRM context and copyrighted materials it’s not the best choice.
    – Kupa Kupych

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