“Canadian universities will soon be enrolling with Apple Computer’s latest venture, iTunes U, so students will be able to download class lectures and listen to them on their iPods.” – LISNews.


  1. iTunes U has been discussed at UofC recently, too. Basically, it’s an attractive way to better develop the various podcasting projects that are springing up around campus (the work of individuals/individual departments) without the university having to come up with the infrastructure, bandwidth, server space, etc. The idea of having something like that did generate a positive response among the students on an advisory panel, particularly if student organizations can make their content available that way as well (especially if some content could be sold by student organizations– CDs of campus choirs, videos of cultural shows, etc.)

    The thing that bothers me about it is the fact that everything would run through iTuens, which would essentially become a required program for students. There are worse out there, but I’m not a huge fan; even less so if I’m forced to use it.

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