ipad.jpgReadWriteWeb’s Sarah Perez has done a hell of a job compiling opininions about the iPad from a huge list of analysts. She says: Below, we’ve combined all the analysts’ statements and estimates into one massive read. And after going through everything that’s been said, we discovered that the collective opinion of the analyst industry is that Apple has a definite winner on their hands.

Go over and take a look. Sarah’s compiled too many analyst opinions to list here.


  1. Sure, the iPad is very impressive and great looking. It has been highly anticipated by Apple fans for several years now. I do not think though that it will be a real threat to the top ebook readers due to it’s large size and weight. I can’t imagine toting it around.
    Many ebook readers who have a Kindle or a similar e-book reader want just that-a reader. It can be distracting to have all of the other functions on board.

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