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Got this email from Amy Edelman:

You were kind enough to respond when I reached out last year re: IndieReader and I wanted to update you on what’s happening on the site.

Last month we re-positioned, re-designed and re-launched IndieReader ( as the essential guide to indie books and the people who write them.IR’s original content is a mix of Gawker-type commentary  and Rolling Stone-type profile stories combined with news, reviews, best-of rankings and more.

We’ve also begin partnering with bookclubs (both on-line and in-person) via IR’s Library of professionally reviewed books, linked to sales sites for easy purchase. Books in the IndieReader Library include new titles from respected authors like John Edgar Wideman, Dave Eggers and Seth Godin and hot new authors including Zachary German and Shane Jones along with five star-rated novels, romances, mysteries and chick-lit.

We can arrange Q&A’s with the author (try doing that with James Patterson!), autographed books and the ability to post your book club’s feedback on the IR site.

You might want to go over and take a look.


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