51FNaNA1SNL SL500 AA266 PIkin3 BottomRight 16 34 AA300 SH20 OU01Royle has a long interview with our own Joanna on his site. Here’s the beginning:

Joanna, perhaps more known to some of you as Ficbot, is a real champion of Indie work. Asides from writing for Teleread for a long time, Joanna also reviews indie books at her blog, and also runs the Indie eBook Hall of Fame.

“This might sound a little harsh, but honestly, what I am looking for is a book that is of a high enough quality that I could actually picture it being sold in a store. If indie authors want true credibility, that is the bar they need to aim for, and that’s why I give very few 5/5 ratings.”

Go on over and take a look.


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