pw I’ve got a nice, healthy backlog of links to share—thanks, Mike C!—but needed to focus on a few other activities such as my review of the iLiad, Cybook and Sony e-readers. Drop by my E-Book Report blog, show the e-book flag, and share your comments.

Keep in mind the main audience, the nontechnical—booklovers who just might see the glories of E. Help them out with information to add to mine! I was up against an 800-word length limit, alas. So feel free to flesh out, confirm or dispute what I had to say. Which of the three machines do you like the best, and why? Oh, and yes, I compared them in places with the Kindle, so if you’re a K-lover and want to speak up in the comment area, please do so!

Stay tuned for more TeleBlog posts, beginning late tonight or tomorrow.


  1. Concerning the link on the site to the NAEB site; yes it works but the is no current info. My last contact with James Franks at NAEB was that there were problems setting up a bank account and that my inquiry as to where I was on the list was sent to their Treasurer. I have yet to hear from them …

  2. Best machine would be the Cybook’s openness + the Kindle’s keyboard and search capability + Iliad’s touch screen. Plus 802.11x and color. Make it $300 and ship it with a Great Books-style setup of preloaded content (all of which could easily be assembled from public domain).

    The good thing about the four major ebook readers is you can start to see this sort of thing is getting more and more possible to actually build.

  3. The NAEB store will be up and running next week and, at that time, everyone who signed up will receive an email notifying them of that and including the payment terms.

    Also at that time we will post the delivery dates that Bookeen has given us for shipping the readers.
    That means you will have a good idea of when to expect your reader to arrive.

    Yes we did have several delays setting up the bank account ( We’re also now very familiar with the “bureaucratic” rule for mail : Everything takes two weeks. ) but thank you for your patience.

    Howard, I was unaware that you had contacted Jim.
    If you signed up you’re on the list and Derek Benner will be notifying you along with everyone else who signed up.
    If you have any more questions please contact Jim again.

    Pamela Gadsden

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