imageSF writer Robert J. Sawyer, who reviewed the $150 Fictionwise flavor of the jetBook-Lite, disliked found some problems with pesky requests for credit card numbers when he re-opened DRMed eReader e-books. But according to Robert, the screen is good even if it isn’t quite in E Ink’s class.

So what about buying the $150 device and hoping for relief later on in the form of an upgrrade with Adobe-DRMed ePub, so you can read best sellers in that format without the same hassles?

Well, the jetBook people are at least promising an upgrade. Also, perhaps the eReader DRM will improve via an upgrade and the credit card nags will vanish.

Other tips: Read the New Egg reviews from owners (jetBook reviews, not Lite ones). Some have reported problems with freezing. Also, remember that the Lite runs off regular batteries rather than having the rechargeable kind built in, although you can buy the rechargeable variety to stick in.

Vs. the Kindle screen: Gang, what do you think of this comparison, done with the regular JetBook? Is it fair to the Kindle?

JetBook site: Here. The Fictionwise ad is here, and the deal includes $50 in credit toward book. The $150 price isn’t necessarily permanent.

Correction re eReader: Here. Copy changed.


  1. David wrote, “Robert suffered such problems as lines of text broken in the wrong places.”

    Hi, David. Actually, it is when using the Foxit eSlick to read eReader format books that lines of text are broken in the wrong places (at the apostrophe in words, after an opening bracket, etc.), not on the ECTACO jetBook – Lite.

    My problem with the jetBook – Lite is mainly that you have to enter your name and credit-card number (tediously on a device with neither an onscreen nor physical keyboard) for every book you open. 🙂

    (I also wish it let you toggle justification on or off for eReader books and that it offered dictionary support while reading them — both features that it DOES offer when reading plain-text ASCII files.)

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