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One in every 4 US household has a tablet.  Majority of digital content purchases made on smartphones and reading is one of the most popular tablet activities.

Over 4 million books on Google Play.  Can be read on Andoid phones and tablets, iPads, iPhones and on the web.  For Google play the book is completely available on the browser when it is offline.   Android activations are going up by 850,000 activations a day and outside of the US carrier billing is very important and is being rolled out everseas.

Getting increasing input from merchandising people so interface is looking less engineering-like.  Working, also, closely with publishers.  Found that people are rediscovering the classics.  It turns out to be a major on-ramp into the product.  

What’s new in the reader: highlighting, notes, define, translate, bookmarks.  Coming soon: fixed layout EPUB, especially important for children’s books; embedded audio/video.

Major global push: five countries and counting: US, UK, Australia, Canada and Italy.  Can’t talk about other countries.


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