DSCF1003.JPGGeorge Kerscher, IDPF President, DAISY Consortium; Garth Conboy, IDPF Chairman, eBook Technologies; Michael Smith, IDPF Executive Director; Steve Potash, Moderator, Overdirve

Approximately 600 people are attending the conference

Kerscher: epub standard has gained huge uptake. Withing 5 years have potential to have equal sales to print book. Want to form more working groups to revise standards, do best practices, guidelines, etc. Vote completed on revision of standard and working on it now. Will start on July 15. Fourteen different revisions need to be done: rich media, international character sets.

Conboy: Last year did epubcheck 1.0.5, 3000 downloads in two months; Epup spec 2.01 just got ratified; epub 2.1 working group chartered. Logo, ran contest, had 203 entrants from 19 countries, winning logo picked. This year, modernize IDPF website, promulgate epub logo, doe epubcheck 1.0.6f with CSS validation, develop epub 2.1, focus on outreach, adoption and marketing.


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