
From Gotta Be Mobile:

Maybe you got a Kindle Fire and aren’t that crazy about it. You want to sell the thing, give it away or return it to Amazon or the store where you bought it. It could be you just want to start over and remove all the free Amazon App Store of the day apps, documents and junk and go back to factory default settings. I’ll show you how to back up your content and then erase your Kindle Fire and restore it to Factory Default Settings in just a few easy steps.

The process isn’t hard, but it must begin with a backup. To get started, find a micro-USB cable. The Kindle Fire doesn’t come with one. Maybe your cell phone has one or you can get one cheap online or at a local office or electronics shop. Connect the device to your computer and find it in Explorer on Windows or Finder on a Mac. You’re looking at the built-in SD card and all of your documents, books and other personal files.

Much more in the article.


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