John Edwards shaking handsHere, from Ed Foster. Thanks to the DMCA, millions of consumers were needlessly delayed in learning of serious vulnerabilities to viruses. Concludes Forster: “If we really want the DMCA fixed, you and I will have to make sure it happens in November.” But will it? When it comes to the DMCA, we’re talking about not Republicans and Democrats but about Republicrats–one party united under Satan. The real work needs to be done in advance of congressional and presidential primaries. Even now, we need to work to turn around Edwards-style pols on the DMCA, the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act and other joys. Tell ’em you won’t volunteer, you won’t do Meet-Up, nothin’, for pols who let Hollywood buy ’em up.

Related: ’08 Watch: John Edwards is Kicking Everyone Else’s Ass Online, in the Daily Kos. So, if he’s worth fussing about, why aren’t people asking him about copyright issues? Are his online cheerleaders lazy, wimpy or too jaded about politics to care? Hey, if Edwards showed some spine on copyright, I might be among his backers. This should be his territory as a consumer advocate and a former member of a copyright-related Senate committee. But so far, I’ve seen no backbone on the copyright issues so dear to me–just the usual evasion. Hey, not to pick on Edwards alone. He’s just the best target for me. In copyright matters, Republicans and Dems alike should focus on the politicians they can genuinely consider supporting if the pols will wise up. Meanwhile here’s one possible little reason why Elizabeth Edwards says she reads the Net for him.


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