image A Harvard study, written up in Slashdot, questions the Long Tail, while Chris Anderson, originator of the theory, defends it.

Summary from Anita Elberse‘s Harvard Business Review article: “It was a compelling idea: In the digitized world, there’s more money to be made  in niche offerings than in blockbusters. The data tell a different story.” Raising questions about the LT, Elberse notes the success that Grand Central Publishing has enjoyed by focusing on books with blockbuster potential.

image imageThe e-book angle: One of the joys of e-books is that it’s easier both to sell and buy Long Tail books—nonbestsellers. That’s still true. What’s more, when you read the Elberse article, keep in mind that one percent of all items at a large online store selling a million items can still mean 10,000 units. In the end the question, as Anderson sees it, boils down to calling something heads or tails.

Related: ePub post on some best-selling Grand Central authors appearing in the new IDPF format by way of Books on Board.

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