Universal Display conceptThe prototype of a roll-up color OLED display and honors for the Nokia 770 are among the items in today’s MobileRead.

Both technologies have something in common–color. The Nokia’s screen is smaller than the Sony Reader’s, but at least you can see full-motion color on a device you can carry in your pocket.

Now imagine a future when a color display could roll up around a pen-style device. That’s why the Universal prototype from Universal Display is so promising.

Especially in K-12, color could make a big difference in acceptance of e-books among Web-oriented young people. Out of Korea, comes a report that “about half of Korean children between the ages of three and five go online regularly,” and I have no doubt that the pre-school stats will eventually be that high here in the States. It is important that books follow them there. And new display technologies could help.

Detail: That picture is not of the prototype itself. It’s just an idea of where the technology is headed.


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