Ashes 190x300

So says an article in the always-excellent Publishing Perspectives.  Here’s a snippet:

Crowdsourcing the funding to self-publish books isn’t a new idea. Kickstarter got the trend going more than a year ago, Unbound took it a step further (just to name two examples). But how about using a service like Kickstarter to sell print, translation and film rights — as well as to secure bricks-and-mortar retail distribution? Author Alex de Campi and illustrator Jimmy Broxton are doing just that. Using Kickstarter as a platform, the duo seeks to raise $27,000 over the next two months to fund production of their latest project, a futuristic dystopian graphic novel called Ashes.

While $30 will get you one of 1,000 limited-edition hardcover copies, and $1,200 will get you written into the book as a secondary character, $2,500 will get you “European trade rights” to the book, $5,000 will get you “North American trade rights,” and $10,000 will will get you year-long option to film the project (with another $90,000 due upon commencement of principle photography).


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