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From Publishing Perspectives:

At midnight, when everybody was sleeping or watching the late TV shows, Google Play went live in Spain, on Thursday 14 June, featuring, of course, Fifty Shades of Grey in the main banner.

The store opens with what perhaps is the best selection of titles in the Spanish digital market, and includes most of the big and medium sized publishers, such as Grupo Santillana, Roca Editorial, Random House Mondadori, Grupo SM, Grupo RBA, Grupo Edebé, Grupo Planeta, and on…

Midnight or no, people have already started to download books and Fifty Shades of Grey is (thankfully) not among the most favored by readers, although the wee hours of the night would seem perfect for the mommy-porn novel by E. L. James. The average price of books downloaded most often thus far are below five euros, underscoring habits imposed by competing e-tailer Amazon.


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