Could a favorite of ours, the Google “newsbot,” pay too much attention to humans with PR agendas? From the Register:

Google turns News ‘bug’ into payola feature
By Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco
Posted: 09/04/2003 at 21:14 GMT

Google’s semantic redefinition of the word “News” could soon prove a lucrative bonus for the secretive search engine company.

Why secretive? The company refuses to publish its News Policy – and it maintains the fiction that the selection and composition of stories on its “News section” was “determined by a computer”. That’s as true as the assertion that the selection and composition of the story you’re reading now was “determined by a computer”, too.

As we exclusively confirmed on Friday, Google Inc. has begun treating press releases as news.

The TeleRead take: Another argument for librarian-run search engines to augment the commercial variety?


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