The Nokia 770 mini-tablet seems to be off to a good start–especially welcome news, since the last thing the e-book world needs is Sony’s proprietary approach. Let the Sony Reader‘s competition thrive! (Thanks to Mike Cane.)
Nokia 770


  1. This report is from (and maybe originally from the Wall Street Journal), and it confirms what close followers have already known — that demand for the Nokia 770 is far outstripping the supply.

    At this point in time, ENN can say with a straight face that “analysts believe it could be successful as a niche product.” One reason I push it as an e-reader is that I think this “niche” is well on its way to becoming a full-fledged category.

    Unlike others who think e-books will take off when specialized e-readers arrive, I think that the spur will be e-reading capability on tablets that people buy for other purposes.

    I conclude this from guessing that more e-book readers (the human kind) on Palm devices bought their PDA for other uses and took to e-reading than those who bought Palms in order to read e-books.

    So if internet tablets grow as a category, the prices for these e-reader-also devices will fall as competition increases.

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